Your morning sets the tone for your day,

Make it unforgettable.

Booking Info:

  • A minimum of 5 wedding day services or for all weekend bookings.

  • For brides I allow one 1.5hrs, for bridesmaids/moms/guests I allow 45mins-1hr per service.

  • Trials are exclusively for reserved brides only as I cannot hold your wedding date until an appointment due to inquiry demand.

  • We respectively ask that the person having the trial only bring one guest as the studio is a small space.

  • Nope! I only book 1 wedding party per day.

  • You can always add on additional hair services but you cannot remove. If you’re unsure about a guest just exclude them from your inquiry and add them later on if need be! If the getting ready location changes that’s no problem, I’ll re-quote for that if need be.